GAME OF THRONES is an American fantasy drama television series created for HBO. Set in the fictional Seven Kingdoms of Westeros, the series chronicles the violent dynastic struggles among the realm’s noble families for control of the Iron Throne. For this particular Holiday Party, my Clients wanted me to transform The Velvet Room at The Clift Hotel in San Francisco into this periodic medieval fantasy that is complex, multi-layered, surreal, vibrant and imaginative providing an ambiance that will draw your eye in to the surprising level of detail. And that’s exactly what was done – we gave them the “WOW Factor”! Tbanks to my collaboration with Jonathan Gomez of Asiel Design and my incredible “Dream Team”, the Kingdoms of Westeros came to life, right down to hiring Actors (and dogs as Direwolves) who portrayed the key characters of the show such as Jon Snow, Robb Stark and Daenarys Targaryen. The Velvet Room never looked so exquisitely stunning and my Clients were awe-inspired and ecstatic with the results. These fabulous images were all captured on film by the keen eye of Clane Gessel with Clane Gessel Photography.
Event Planning & Design: Duncan Reyes, F. Duncan Reyes Events By Design
Event Photography: Clane Gessel, Clane Gessel Photography
Floral, Props & Decor, Tablescape & Event Design: Jonathan Gomez & Meg Ethridge, Asiel Design
DJ, Entertainment & Lighting: Jason Mitchell, Adam Gold (as Jon Snow & Emcee) and his dog Belvedere (as Ghost), Billy Gold (as Robb Stark) and his dog, Apollo (as Grey Wind), Shannon Nelson (as Daenarys Targaryen), Shana Goldberg (On-Site Production Manager), DJ Rikki Aldridge & DJ Maxwell Alegria, Gatsby Entertainment Group
Catering, Hotel Accommodations & Venue: Claire Holder, Devin Singer & Steven Hoffman, The Velvet Room at The Clift Hotel San Francisco
Event Rentals & Tablescape Design: Mindy Roark-Aldridge, Classic Party Rentals San Francisco
This photo taken by Duncan Reyes